Passion. Experience. Diligence.

What is a vCISO?

Our Virtual CISOs play the same role a full-time CISO would, but in a more cost-effective manner. Handling security on a limited engagement or ongoing consulting basis, they will provide strategy, guidance, and oversight to all aspects of enterprise and data security.

While each job is different, our team usually conduct the following tasks for you:

  • Set or direct privacy and security policies, standards, procedures, and guidelines;

  • Manage and direct Information Security teams;

  • Engage with executive management;

  • Run risk assessments on operational security; and

  • Provide threat intelligence and manage enterprise security.

We provide qualified security experts that you might not be able to find or afford otherwise. Without increasing headcount our vCISO can solve many of your security, privacy, and compliance issues. We can assess your threats and risks, and help you make smart decisions about your security to align with your business objectives.

What Types of Companies Use a vCISO?

Companies that use a vCISO are typically trying to solve one of two problems: time or money. If your company is on a tight schedule, you may not be able to wait to find a candidate, get them onboarded, and bring them up to speed. Bringing in a vCISO can accelerate incident response and other security-related processes, and get the job done quickly. Companies that have short-term needs or are on a budget can also benefit from hiring a vCISO. Small or medium-sized businesses may not be able to attract or afford a full-time CISO. Other companies may be looking for efficiencies and cost-saving measures.

Top 5 Benefits

Hiring one of our vCISOs allows organizations to engage an experienced professional with the skills they need, and do it within their budget. Here are five specific reasons you should consider hiring us:

1. Expertise & Core Competencies

Our vCISOs have the breadth and depth of experience and expertise to make sound decisions about your security. Because we are experts, ramp-up time decreases as they can gain a quicker understanding of your security program than someone with a lower quality skill set. This advantage provides a stronger return on investment by decreasing startup time.

2. Cost Effectiveness

When you add salary and benefits together, the current average compensation for a full-time CISO is USD $267,335 annually. It may cost more to find the right candidate with the right skill set who is available immediately for your job, and not every company can afford to spend that kind of money. Besides, not all companies need a full-time CISO on staff. Hiring one of our vCISOs can dramatically reduce your payroll costs. In addition, you eliminate the cost of benefits and full-time employee onboarding requirements.

3. Reduced Business Risk & Flexibility to Work on Projects as Needed

Engaging a vCISO for a short-term relationship poses little risk. When the project is complete, your commitment ends: we do not lock you into long-term expenses or payroll costs. If you need more work, our services are scalable on short notice. Recruiting, hiring, and training your own team is extremely expensive and you may not have the time to wait.

4. Improving Your Existing In-House Team

We can handle the heavy lifting. By managing the strategic responsibilities and guiding your in-house staff, we can provide training and mentoring. We can also identify strengths and weaknesses in your team, and identify places where you need additional help or training. We also allow you to free up some of your in-house team’s workload, enabling them to take on other tasks.

5. Objective Independence

We provide an objective and independent view to evaluate your team and your security. Because we come from outside your organization, we aren’t stuck with “how we’ve always done it,” or burdened by office politics or agendas. We are only as good as our reputation. That means we have to get the job done and done correctly.

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