Presentations and Publications


As We Go High They Go Low - Enterprise Security Magazine

An article written by one of our vCISOs on the dangerous trend towards low tech crimes. They explore how these low sophistication attacks are able to bypass most filters and guards and make it into your teams inbox.

Read more about it HERE


A keynote presentation at the CISO leaders summit - CISO Leaders Forum 2019

In this keynote presentation one of our vCISOs discusses the current state of machine learning / artificial intelligence, its implications for security and where this technology is likely to head in the future.


Current State Of Cyber Security & Where To From Here - Media Corp International

An interview with one of our vCISO about their thoughts on the current state of affairs in the cyber security industry. The current issues and future solutions.

Read more about it HERE

Workshop On Modern Cyber Defense Technologies - CIO Leaders Summit

A workshop by one of our team on the suite of technologies available to all organizations to defend themselves in the modern cyber threat space. How to effectively utilize them and where to look next for better solutions in the future.


Cyber Crime Investigations - Cyber Attack Conference Sydney 2019

One of our team gave a keynote address on how to conduct cyber crime investigations effectively. Covering both the technological and criminal psychological aspects of an investigation.


An Open Interview On Information Security - CISO Leaders Website

One of our team members was invited to do an interview with CISO leaders website. Covering everything from the common cyber security mistakes businesses make, to the latest trends and predictions for the future of cyber security.

Read the interview HERE